At Intelizest, we develop solutions to help you simplify your business processes and improve operational efficiency. With this in mind, we created a fully automated IoT based Warehouse Management Solution (iBWMS). This solution is powerful, affordable and designed to increase warehouse inventory accuracy, minimize costs, save time and also improve resource allocation.
iBWMS is a smart and hyper-efficient warehouse system based on IoT that helps you track, receive, pick and stock goods without any manual intervention. It also manages challenges such as lack of inventory oversight, space utilization and inefficient processes within the warehouse. Such inefficiencies within the system not only slows down work processes but also increases your costs.
The solution is integrated with Estimote Beacon and is designed to connect to any other sensor product available in the market for connectivity. iBWMS will integrate seamlessly with any existing ERP, WMS or Accounting Application, thereby improving the accuracy of inventory valuation and stock position. The solution can be deployed for any business in any industry vertical, using our tailor-made templates.
iBWMS is an end-to-end warehouse management solution that will automate the entire operations of the warehouse with IoT devices and Native technologies integration. All of this is achieved with almost zero to minimum change management to the operation staff, and very minimum investment and adoption time.